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Archive for anti-racist church

Becoming an Anti-Racist Church

Many people in our congregation have reached out expressing a desire to participate in anti-racism work that has emerged from a surge of action across the country following the murder of George Floyd. As a community of people who strive to be God’s love in the world, we invite community members at DCC to join in this work.
One of the first steps in this learning journey is gathering a group of people who feel called to join in this work to serve as leadership in this journey. We invite anyone who feels called to join in this work, no matter where you are in your learning journey, to fill out this form indicating your interest in being part of this leadership group, and explaining why you feel called to this work and what your strengths are that you wish to share with the team.
To emphasize, this is a space to create plans for how to advance anti-racism work in our community, and to learn, but this is not a space to debate the existence of racism. In being part of this team, there is no expectation that you will start with all the answers, nor that you need to be at the same point in your learning journey as the other team members, but you do need to be committed to un-learning systems of white supremacy, to compassionately hold space for others, and to be vulnerable and willing to question your own internal biases.
Through a commitment to this learning journey, to be God’s love in the world, and a long term vision, we can make our community a safer and more loving place for all. If you have any questions, wonderments, and would like to learn more feel free to reach out to Fiona Klassen, Pastor Eric, or Pastor Todd.