Worship with us Sundays at 9:30 am

Youth Ministries

Youth Group

DCC’s Youth Program is a welcoming community. Whether you grew up in the church, or are new to the area, or just heard about youth group from a friend, everyone is welcome.

We strive to build community, encourage Christian spiritual exploration, and deepen our relationships with one another and God. Each year, we craft and follow a covenant, ask for and offer each other forgiveness, seek authenticity, share appreciations, bless each other, and work to be a blessing in our world.

People who come to youth group will find a place where God’s love is evident, a place where they can rest and gather themselves. In youth group, the social barriers of school begin to fall away as we explore who we are, engage with the world around us, and develop our lives of faith in a safe and accepting environment. A passion to help others is stirred while we volunteer at GLIDE Memorial Church’s food programs, serve dinner at the Winter Nights Shelter, travel near and far for mission trips, and while we care for each other. It is no wonder that some of the most meaningful relationships our youth experience occur at youth group.

Donuts and Devotions

Donuts and Devotions is a faith formation option for our middle school friends during worship. This brief time together—which will include delicious donuts!—will be held most Sundays by Carrie Hrousis or Pastor Todd along with one of our DCC friends and invites us to explore the deep questions of our faith.


The Confirmation class meets every other year and is open to youth in grades 8 and up. Confirmation is a journey where youth are invited to join their peers in exploring their faith and become a member of Danville Congregational Church. The program is led by our pastor. We follow the UCC Confirmation Curriculum, Affirming Faith, along with a few other resources. We meet beginning in February, and the program runs for 10-consecutive weeks where we learn and grow together, and build strong relationships as we experience what it means to be Christians in community. Confirmation ends in May with a joyful celebration on Confirmation Sunday. During this special worship service, the congregation affirms the promises made when our confirmands were baptized. The confirmands present their personal faith statements, sharing where they are on their faith journey. Finally, confirmands affirm their desire to continue their journey of faith and become adult members of Danville Congregational Church.

OWL (Our Whole Lives)

Our Whole Lives is a year-long, sexuality education program offered every other year for youth in grades 7 through 9, as well as grades 10 through 12. Our Whole Lives helps participants make informed and responsible decisions about their sexual health and behavior. It equips participants with accurate, age-appropriate information in six subject areas: human development, relationships, personal skills, sexual behavior, sexual health, and society and culture. Grounded in a holistic view of sexuality, Our Whole Lives provides not only facts about anatomy and human development, but helps participants to clarify their values, build interpersonal skills, and understand the spiritual, emotional, and social aspects of sexuality. Adults receive extensive training before teaching this program. OWL is open to any families and faith communities who are interested in participating.