Worship with us Sundays at 9:30 am

Get to Know Us

For almost 75 years, Danville Congregational Church (DCC) has gathered people of faith from across the San Ramon Valley to worship and celebrate the unconditional love of God; engage in service and works of social justice; and be a part of transforming the world around us. Through the lens of a progressive, all-inclusive faith—affiliated with the United Church of Christ—DCC draws from communities all along the 680 corridor—Castro Valley, Concord, Pleasanton, Walnut Creek, Livermore, San Ramon, and of course Danville. We aspire to be people of extravagant welcome and take seriously our mission to “love God, love each other, and be God’s love to the world.”

Our community is a place of peace, offering a community of support and compassion. We believe that every person is a child of God, regardless of who they are, whom they love, their nationality or ability, or how they express or understand their gender. As an Open and Affirming congregation of the UCC since 1999 and working toward becoming an Anti-Racist church since 2020, we take seriously the opportunity to grow in our faith and knowledge individually and in our communal desire to help create a more just world. 

We are a joyful and active community, offering many ways to get involved, including children’s and youth programs, adult study groups, music, fellowship and service opportunities. We seek to reach out with hope and healing in our local community and beyond. We express our passion and compassion for our friends and neighbors through prayer, presence, financial support, food and supplies, and hands-on-work and service.

If you’re wondering more about us, we invite you to come and worship with us some Sunday. Sit in our pews or join us online and experience the warmth of a welcoming community, the vibrant music, inspiring preaching, and a wide variety of activities. If it feels like the right place for you, or if you have questions and want to learn more, don’t hesitate to reach out.

No matter what you look like, talk like, laugh like, dress like, vote like, or love likeyou are welcome here. We hope to see you some Sunday soon!

Be blessed, 

Rev. Todd Atkins-Whitley, Senior Pastor