Worship with us Sundays at 9:30 am

Anti-Racism Resources

Danville Congregational Church Anti-Racism Resources

Danville Congregational Church Anti-Racism Team

While racism is a lived reality for people of color, the murder of George Floyd on May 25, 2020 in Minneapolis awoke many white communities across the U.S. to a simple truth. Racism is still foundational for our country and the institutions we rely on and work for. Members of our church community have felt compelled to acknowledge and challenge racism in our communities. In response, an anti-racist team formed at DCC to examine the role of racism in shaping our society and culture, and how we can promote a response that will expel it altogether. This self-chosen team consists of DCC members  Kristin Chambers, Deborah Daily, Barbara DeBarger, Bette Felton, John and Joyce Klassen, Doug Leich, and Mary Kay McClure. We have created a mission statement that serves as our guide:

  • We, the DCC Anti-Racism Team, are congregation members committed to:
      • Understanding white supremacy and intersecting systems of oppression
      • Learning about what it takes to be anti-racist
      • Guiding, supporting, and inspiring members of the congregation to take part in anti-racism work
      • Read more here…

Everyone is welcomed to attend our meetings and learning sessions. If you have questions about our work or ideas you want to share with the team, please contact Barb DeBarger at bdebarger@gmail.com

DCC Anti-Racism Team Activities

  • Second Hour Coffee Chats
    The DCC Anti-Racism Team invites you all to join us during second hour on selected Sundays from 11:00am to Noon for a series we are calling Coffee Chats. These will be informal spaces for dialogue with some members of the team where we welcome you to bring your questions and reflections on anti-racism work. We envision this to be a time to learn from each other, and if desired, brainstorm ways to find answers to the questions we bring forth to the discussion. Feel free to join whichever (or however many) session(s) you are available for. There will be different team members present each week. Announcements for these chats are found in our weekly bulletin.

    • January 7 – Mary Kay McClure and Karol Mead, co-hosts
    • March 3 – Karol Mead and Barb DeBarger, co-hosts
    • April 7 – John Klassen and TBD, co-hosts
    • November 3 – Bette Felton and Doug Leich
  • Anti-Racism Learning Series
    Our DCC Anti-Racism Learning Series will be quarterly events in which we discuss and reflect on various topics delivered through a variety of media (articles/podcasts/videos/speakers) as a way of learning together about different elements of anti-racism. Each of these sessions will be stand alone, so you are welcome to join whichever and however many sessions you choose. Future sessions will be listed here, along with zoom access information.

Anti-Racism Community Resources

Upcoming Community Events [New]

Anti Racism Resources

The following is a list of resources you can access to engage in anti-racism work.

Information on Reparations [New]

The focus of the Arlington Community Church Lenten study shared in March was on the historical and theological significance of the word “reparations.” Dr. Sam Klug, Rev. Nate Klug’s brother and a history professor specializing in African-American history guides participants through some of the arguments around the idea of reparations for Black Americans, from James Forman’s 1969 manifesto at Riverside Church to more current calls by Ta-Nehisi Coates and Keeanga-Yamhatta Taylor . This session presents an opportunity to learn more about some of the arguments for and against reparations, and to deepen your own perspective on this issue. You can watch here . Other information on reparations is below:

Things to Listen to [New

For Children

For Young People

For Parents

For Adults

For families with young people

(not all appropriate for all ages of children)

If you would like to suggest additions to these lists, please email us.