Worship is at the heart of who we are at Danville Congregational Church. Through words, music, and silence we step back from the hustle and bustle of the week to reflect, center, and focus on God’s unconditional love. We remember who we are and who we are called to be in the world. You are invited to bring your whole self to worship: it’s a safe space for you to question, learn, grow, and explore.
Worship at Danville Congregational Church follows a weekly pattern that provides structure for a dynamic and unique worship every Sunday. Services include:
- Rich organ music, piano, bell choir and chancel choir;
- Both traditional and contemporary hymns;
- An open and affirming welcome no matter where you are on life’s journey;
- Communal prayers;
- Passing of the peace, to greet one another in the spirit of Christ;
- A scripture reading and a sermon;
- Sharing of joys and concerns for ourselves, community, and world during the prayers of the people;
- An offering of our resources, time, and prayers;
- A benediction to send us off into our week and our world.
- Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of every month. Everyone is welcome to join us at the table (regardless of what you believe or don’t believe).
Greeters will welcome you as you enter DCC. Ushers will hand you a bulletin at the entrance to the sanctuary. Children attend the beginning of worship with their families and leave for Godly Play after the Time for Children. The nursery is equipped with a speaker so families with restless little ones may enjoy the service. Everyone is invited to stay for Coffee Hour in Koinonia Hall after worship, where we enjoy coffee, refreshments, snacks and conversation.