We have compiled a list of questions people may have about Danville Congregational Church. Hopefully, your question is here as well as an answer.
What time is the service? How often do you have communion?
Our Sunday worship services start at 9:30 AM and typically last an hour. Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of the month. Our table is open to all, regardless of what you believe or don’t believe.
What does DCC believe?
We at Danville Congregational Church believe that each person is on their own spiritual journey. We walk side by side on our journeys, offering love and support to one another along the way. We believe in the Sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion. Our community is grounded by the Bible, taking it too seriously to take it literally. We believe that God has more wisdom and light yet to be revealed. We believe that “God is still speaking.” Our task is to listen, and our response is to act. No matter who you are, no matter where you are on your faith journey, no matter what life has offered to you or taken from you, no matter what you look like, talk like, dress like, believe like, vote like, or love like, you are welcome at Danville Congregational Church.
What denomination is DCC?
Danville Congregational Church is part of the United Church of Christ. The UCC is a mainline Protestant denomination whose history goes back to the Pilgrims and Puritans of New England. The Congregationalists were the first denomination to take a stand against slavery, the first to ordain a woman, the first to ordain a Black man, and the first to ordain an openly gay person. To get more information about the UCC, go to http://www.ucc.org/about-us_ucc-firsts.
How big is your congregation?
Our membership is a little over 250, with average Sunday attendance of about 110.
Top reasons to be at DCC
- Warm, welcoming community
- Vibrant music program
- Meaningful worship services
- Commitment to mission and justice in our community and beyond
- An Open and Affirming congregation, with a special welcome to the LGBTQ+ community
- Active children and youth program
- Adult education for the theologian and skeptic
- A congregation that believes in the power of prayer
What do you offer for children and youth?
Nursery care is available for little ones during church and through Second Hour. There is a “Time for Children” every Sunday during worship and then children ages 3 – grade 5 go to Godly Play, our Sunday morning children’s program, or Donuts and Devotions, our Sunday morning middle school youth program. Youth (grades 6-12) meet Sunday evenings from 5:00 – 7:00 PM, where they gather for community, dinner, and games. Other opportunities throughout the year include Intergenerational Christmas Pageant, Vacation Bible Camp, Confirmation, OWL (Our Whole Lives Sexual Education Program), and Mission Projects.
What do people wear to church?
People wear what they feel comfortable in. In general, most people wear what would be considered “casual business attire,” but on any given Sunday there will be quite an array of outfits, ranging from denim to silk, sneakers to high heels.
Where are you located?
989 San Ramon Valley Blvd, Danville, CA 94526
We are next to the Victorian medical buildings about a mile south of Sycamore Valley Road.
What does “open and affirming” mean at Danville Congregational Church?
Danville Congregational Church is a diverse group of believers and seekers of God’s direction in our lives. Our mission is to be a Christian faith community that accepts all persons, supports them in seeking deeper meaning in their lives, and prepares them spiritually and intellectually to make a difference in the lives of their families, community, work, and world. We are called to love our neighbors and to act as agents of reconciliation and wholeness. We welcome and value all God’s children. All people of diverse races, gender, sexual orientation, family status, economic condition, and physical, mental, and emotional abilities are encouraged to participate in this church’s worship, life work, and service. We affirm that all are beloved by God and empowered by the Holy Spirit. We affirm the family in all its diverse forms and all loving and committed relationships.
What is a Congregational Church?
The Congregational Church dates back to the Pilgrims and Puritans who came to the eastern shores of what is now New England seeking religious freedom. It has a long history of social action promoting justice and equality for all people. In 1957 the Congregational Christian Churches joined with the Evangelical and Reformed Church to become the United Church of Christ. Each church within this denomination is autonomous. Each church owns its own building, establishes its own bylaws, and chooses its own pastor. While individual churches within the United Church of Christ receive spiritual strength and enhanced social justice support from the collective denominational community, each church is free to pursue its faith journey as an independent congregation.
Is your church involved in outreach?
DCC is heavily involved in outreach and mission programs. Our members have traveled to New Orleans to assist with the Katrina cleanup, gone to Belize to help with a school, and gone to Honduras to assist with medical care. DCC has a Sister Parish relationship with a church in San Antonio Cunen, Guatemala. Through annual visits and continuing contact, we share our stories and offer support for one another. DCC is closely tied with SHELTER, Inc., Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano, and Hope Solutions – organizations that serve the homeless, unhoused, and people in distress in Contra Costa County. DCC hosts PFLAG meetings (Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays), Narcotics Anonymous, and Alcoholics Anonymous meetings.
How can I get involved and meet people?
- Attend Sunday morning worship
- Plan to stay for Friendship Hour following worship
- Attend the adult education opportunities during our second hour
- Participate in our many outreach projects
- Volunteer with our children and youth ministries
- Attend our wonderful social events organized by our Church Family Commission, including our Church Picnic, Church Camp, Christmas Party, and Mardi Gras Party
- Get involved in one of our commissions (committees): Buildings & Grounds, Stewardship, Membership, Church Family, Worship, Youth Ministries, Children’s Ministries, Faith Journeys, or Outreach
- Come sing in the choir!
- Join our Prayer Shawl ministry if you like to knit or crochet!