Worship with us Sundays at 9:30 am

Sister Parish


Sister Parish Events

Open Delegation November 5th–15th

The upcoming open delegation is so much more than just another delegation that we get to ride along on.

For one, it will include visits and orientations to communities both in Guatemala and El Salvador.  That expands our view of how US foreign policy has affected more than just one country–and my experience is that it will blow open your understanding of how our institutions of power have shaped the poverty and oppression over the whole region, not just the community or country that we know most intimately.

Second, it will include participation in what is called a “Southern Encounter”, where delegates for all the Sister Parish communities in both Guatemala and El Salvador convene to reflect on things that are working for them, and things that are not, their fears, their hopes.  A chance to be deep inside the deepest reflections of people striving to better their lives together, in the struggle to build the kingdom of God on Earth as it is in heaven.

As we pass together through both the communities we visit, and the encounter, we will be experiencing a door opened few times in life…. the experience of the love of strangers.  And of course you will come away with a new understanding of immigration, as well as community and faith.

At a “southern encounter” when Sister Parish included Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador and Nicaragua- I experienced a breakthrough revelation as I spoke to indigenous farmers from all four countries and learned that all of them could purchase corn from the US cheaper than they could grow it. This had happened because 2 institutions – the World Trade organization, and the International Monetary fund, had pressured each government [through their debt repayment agreements] to abandon tariffs on corn purchased from the United States.  And that corn was produced by large corporate farms in the US receiving government subsidies.  So, in a stroke, farmers in all 4 countries had lost the way they traditionally had funded their living, selling the extra corn they grew above what they needed to eat.

Consider what you may miss by not going with us and consider joining up while there is still time.  Delegation is from November 5th–15th, costing $1,600 plus airfare.  If you are interested, reach out to Bill Williams, (925) 413-8828.

In the good struggle, and the commission highlighted by Reverend Kim last Sunday, “Go Out”, and discover the abundance along the way.