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Anti-Racism Voting Guide

Our Faith, Our Votevoting

How Faith Impacts Voting

The problems in our world often seem too big to confront. We see injustice every day and feel that change can’t or won’t happen. But our faith is infused with hope and built on a foundation of action. By serving the vulnerable, feeding the hungry, and standing in solidarity with the oppressed, we serve as God’s hands.

Voting is a natural extension of faithful action. The decisions made by our representatives have a wide reaching impact. We have enormous potential to make positive change. We must engage our legislators, vote, and encourage everyone in our communities to do the same.

Our faithful voice is needed. It is tempting to disengage from the political process. As people dedicated to creating a just world for all, we know we must be involved.

 Source: https://www.ucc.org/ourfaithourvote

Voting Resources

November 2020 Local Forums

10/11—YES on Measure X Forum- https://www.healthyandsafecontracosta.com/voter_education_forum

10/13-Voting for Equity Forum- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mIMlRVSjiuCoKQNv3BMz63jgEpH0EPDi/view?usp=sharing

November 2020 Ballot Recommendations