Worship with us Sundays at 9:30 am

Oração Pelos Jovens (Prayer for Young People)

The Pastoral Prayer for Sunday, May 17, included the Prayer for Young People by Luiz Carlos Ramos, translated by Paulo Gustavo França.

God, we thank you
for the young people we have now and for the young people we once were;
for the youth we see now and for youth we once had;
for the young [people] in our midst and for the young [person] that still lives within each of us.

We thank you
for the ongoing transformation of the world the youth foster
and for the constant transformation you cause in the life of each youth.

God who makes all things new,
keep these young people from conforming to this present age;
that they may not be formed by the media, by today’s trends or bad habits;
but that they may be transformed by the renewing of the mind
and by the gift of their bodies as a living offering, holy and pleasing to you.

That these young men and women may not be merely happy, but joyful;
that they may not be only healthy, but mindful;
that they may not be just strong, but open-minded;
that they may not be only intelligent, but that they may become wise;
that they may not be youthful in their look, but in their essence;
in a word, that they may not be the child of this present culture,
but [children] of the Living God,
so they may embody the Love,
work for Peace,
and may practice Justice.

We pray
in the name of Jesus Christ,
the young person who not only revolutionized the world with his ideas, but also saved humankind with his love.


Photo by Nooralbdeen Ahmad

Don’t let your hearts Stay troubled…

Time with Children, Sunday, May 10, 2020, by Pastor Todd

I wonder if anyone in this Zoom has ever experienced their hearts being troubled. What do you think that means? For your heart to be … troubled?

[Invite a moment to share.]

Maybe our hearts are troubled because we couldn’t go back to school. Or because our graduation ceremony isn’t going to happen in the way we’d always imagined.

Maybe our hearts are troubled because we’re worried about our grandparents being alone.  Or because we fear getting sick or someone we love getting sick.

Maybe having to wear masks or hearing grown-ups talk about the news troubles our hearts.

The part of the Bible that Mary-Marie read for us this morning happens before Easter, back before Jesus died. Do you remember the time when Jesus was gathered with his friends for a meal—that time he washed their feet and told them about the bread and the wine?

So after that happened, Jesus was talking with his friends, his followers. There in that room, they had some difficult conversations, especially Judas and Peter. Jesus began to explain to them what was going to happen to him. That ultimately he would be leaving them.

This news “troubled their hearts.”

Made them feel sad, afraid, anxious.

They began to worry about what was going to happen next, what might happen to them.

And do you know what I think?
Jesus knew this.

Because Jesus was human just like us, he knows that everyone feels sad, afraid, anxious, or worried sometimes.

And he didn’t want his friends to feel bad for how they were feeling.

But Jesus didn’t want them to stay feeling bad.

He wanted them to know that even if they were feeling those feelings, they could think of him, and how much he loved and would always love them.

That they could remember how much God loved them as a way to start feeling better feelings, to have less trouble in their hearts.

To our young friends, and to our friends who are young at heart:

It’s ok to feel what you are feeling right now.

It’s ok to say it, to name it, to talk about it with someone we trust.

But when your heart is troubled, try to remember that God loves you, that Jesus promises to be with you.

And maybe, close your eyes and imagine Jesus saying to you,

I understand how you are feeling.
But don’t let your hearts stay troubled.
Believe in God. Believe also in me—that I am always with you.

Let’s pray together…

Dear God,
Thank you for this day.
Thank you for Jesus.
Help us remember,
when our hearts are troubled,
that you love us and,
that Jesus has promised to be with us.
Help us remember we are not alone.
In Jesus’ name we pray,

A Prayer for Mother‘s Day (2020)

This prayer was offered by Pastor Todd during our Zoom Worship on May 10, 2020.

This morning we come to you oh God, who is our center, with many joys and troubles on our heart. We turn to you in prayer because we know–we claim and believe–that you hear our prayers and that we are never alone.

This morning we lean especially into the maternal nature of you, oh God, our creator who gave birth to this world and all life upon it. You, oh God, have created each of us, fearfully and wonderfully in our mother’s womb and we are thankful.

This morning we pray with gratitude for mothers—those who gave us life, those who have been like a mother to us—some of whom are still with us and some who have gone on from this life.

In the spirit of prayer, I invite you to say aloud or in the silence of your heart, the name of a mother you wish to lift up in prayer, joy, or memory…

We pray your blessing, mother God, on these who have been named. May they feel in this moment a special warmth in their hearts. May they feel honored and may they be blessed.

We pray also for

…for grandmothers, and sisters, and aunts, and sister-friends who provide for us a mother’s love

…for those who hope to someday become a mother…

…for those who have encountered difficulty becoming a mother…

….for those who have experienced loss as a mother…

…for those mothers who are in detention prisons or who have been separated from their children…

…for mothers of Black and brown boys who constantly fear for the safety of their sons and for mothers like Wanda Cooper, the mother of Ahmed Arbery, who continue to have their children taken from them as a result of the sin of racism

…for those with difficult relationships and experiences with mothers, bring about healing and reconciliation, Oh God

…and for those who are feeling the ache of the loss of their mothers, comfort them with happy memories and the hope of seeing them again one day.

All of these we lift up to you this morning, oh God. 

Comfort us, care for us, nurture us as a hen who gathers her children under her wing. 

Amen and Ashe

Flat Jesus in Shelter

As we celebrate the 50 days of Easter that follow Jesus’ resurrection, we wonder…

How is Jesus showing up for you during this time of in shelter?

So we had an idea:

Invite “Flat Jesus” into your family’s life this Eastertide and share where Jesus is showing up with you!

Download your own Flat Jesus here. Cut him out and color him and then follow each week’s prompt.

Then share with us how Jesus is showing up for you this week. Email pictures to us or post them on Instagram. (You can find DCC on Instagram here). Tag us (@DCCUCC) and add the hashtags #DCCUCC #FlatJesus#FlatJesusinShelter.

  • Week one: We remembered how Jesus liked to sit down for a meal with his friends and followers. Share a picture of Jesus sharing a meal with you or your family!
  • Week two:

The Felton’s Easter Egg Hunt Egg Casserole

Though we can’t all be together for our traditional Easter Egg Hunt at the Felton’s, Bette wanted to share the recipe for the main dish of the brunch we would share in so, she shared, “we can vicariously and separately share the casserole.”


DCC Easter Egg Hunt Casserole recipe

Stations of the Cross: A Healing Procession

What might our encounters with the experiences of Jesus‘ wrongful conviction and path toward his eventual crucifixion have to offer us in these days of pandemic? You are invited to this ecumenical service of meditation, reflection, and confession based on events in the life of Jesus leading up to his crucifixion.

Participants include

Dr. Sharon Fennema, Pacific School of Religion

Bishop Yvette Flunder, City of Refuge UCC

Rev. Sophia Hayes-Jackson

Rev. Lacey Hunter, Community Church of Sebastopol

Andrew Barnes Jamieson

Rev. Sandhya Jha, Oakland Peace Center

Rev. Dr. Jay E. Johnson, Pacific School of Religion and Good Shepherd Episcopal Church of Berkeley

Rev. Marvin Lance Wiser, Eden UCC

Rev. Laurie Manning, Skyline Community Church

Rev. Elder Jim Mitulski, Island United Church

Rev. Penny Nixon, Congregational Church of San Mateo

Rev. Rhina M. Ramos, Ministerio Latino

Rev. Eric Sherlock, Danville Congregational Church

Rev. Dr. Mark Wilson, Easter Hill United Methodist Church, University of California Berkeley

The video will be available after Noon on Good Friday, April 10, 2020.


Worship Bulletin for 3/29/20

Download the worship bulletin for Sunday, March 29, 2020.

How to Zoom

Hello friends!

Here’s a video that explains how to Zoom.


For those of you that prefer instructions printed out, read on!

How to login to Zoom:

There are three ways you will be able to join Zoom and the DCC church service on Sunday.

  1. Option 1— Do you have a laptop? Check your email from Pastors Todd & Eric. There will be a link in the email. A couple of minutes before the start of church click that link and it will bring you to the zoom.us website.  Zoom will ask, “Do you want your video camera on?” The answer is YES! Then we can see you J  (If you’re joining for the first time it’ll prompt you to download a small application file. Please do that.  Also allow a little extra time to test your audio – choose “Test Computer Audio” and there will be a choice to “Test Speaker” and “Test Mic”.  You can do those tests any time before the meeting starts. See at the end for screen shots)
  2. Option 2— Do you have an iphone or android with a camera? Download the zoom app today from the App Store so you have it ready for Sunday. You’ll need to sign in with an email address. Click sign in enter your email and a create a password. When you want to start Zoom and “go” to church Sunday morning you will open the email from your phone and click the link in the email. It will open the app and you should see us!  The other option is to open the app and enter 492 975 948 as the meeting ID. Then you should see us!
  3. Option 3— Do you need to use a landline or a cell phone without a camera? You will call in using the number 669-900-6833 and enter 492 975 948 as the meeting ID. You’ll be able to hear everything on the call but not see anything.

*** Some tips to think about when using Zoom, if you are on a laptop or phone with a camera:

  1. We can see you. We don’t care if you’re in your PJs but know we’ll see your PJs, so be comfortable with whatever you’re wearing.
  2. Ideally, have your laptop or phone propped up so the camera is about eye level. Use a cardboard box or books underneath. This way the camera isn’t looking up your nose.
  3. Keep in mind we see you whatever is behind you.

I look forward to seeing you in church!


Setting up for the first time and want to test your audio?

You can test your speaker by clicking and you will hear some music.

To test your Mic, you can click “Test Mic” and it will prompt you to say something.

Connecting with a smartphone App

If your computer does not have a webcam and/or microphone, you can use the Zoom app from your smartphone or iPad. You just need to download the Zoom app:

Join us for Worship Sunday at 9:30am!

  • From a computer or smartphone, click here https://zoom.us/j/492975948.
  • From the Zoom app on your smartphone or iPad, enter 492 975 948 as the Meeting ID and press Join.
  • From a telephone (land-line or mobile),
    • dial 669-900-6833.
    • enter 492 975 948 as the Meeting ID.

Worship Bulletin for 3/15/20

Download the Worship Bulletin for Sunday 03/15/20.

A Prayer in the Days of the Coronavirus

Merciful God, hear our fervent prayer for all who suffer the effects of the coronavirus—its infection of sickness, fear, and anxiety. God, in your mercy:

  Hear our prayer.

May those who are infected receive the proper treatment and the comfort of your healing presence. God, in your mercy:

  Hear our prayer.

May their caregivers, families and neighbors be shielded from the onslaught of the virus and give solace to those who grieve the loss of loved ones. God, in your mercy:

  Hear our prayer.

Calm the anxiety and fear of those who fear its advent and protect those who are most vulnerable to its spread—the marginalized,
the un- and under-insured, the immune-compromised, the elderly. God, in your mercy:

  Hear our prayer.

Guide those who strive to develop tests, vaccines, and cure—that their work may limit and conquer the virus and restore communities to wholeness and health. God, in your mercy:

  Hear our prayer.

Holy One known by many names, help us rise above fear:

Assure us when we are fearful. 

Calm anxieties. 

Bring healing to all in need.

We ask all this through the intercession of your child, Jesus,
and the Holy Spirit, and in the name of all that is holy, just, and compassionate. Amen and Ashe


Adapted by Rev. Todd Atkins-Whitley from A Prayer for Persons Suffering from Ebola, chausa.org.