Worship with us Sundays at 9:30 am

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Save the Date – February 11, 2023 Hope Solutions Fun-Raiser

DCC will be having an amazing fun-raiser for Hope Solutions. This will be a Mardi Gras party complete with a jazz band (sponsored by the Feltons and Kennedy/McGraths) and complementary food provided by Carol Gilliland of A Loveable Feast! The event is fun with a purpose as this will also be an opportunity to hear the great work Hope Solutions is doing in Contra Costa County.

As most of you know, Hope Solutions (previously Contra Costa Interfaith Housing, CCIH), provides permanent, supportive housing for the most vulnerable in our very community. And, as we all know, the cost of housing is at an all time high, which is causing an increase in those unhoused. At the fun-raiser, you will learn how Hope Solutions is taking a very unique path to help solve this problem, one house at a time! Plus, dance and eat and have a blast! Mark your calendars now!

All are welcome – childcare will be provided and you don’t have to attend DCC to come!


Advent 2022—From Generation to Generation

Surely, from now on all generations will call me blessed;
for the Mighty One has done great things for me,
and holy is God’s name.
His mercy is for those who fear God
from generation to generation.
Mary, in Luke 1: 48b–50

Despite the challenges and vulnerability she faced, Mary could glimpse the scale and scope of the good news she was part of bringing forth. This good news transcends time and space—it was and is bigger than just her. Christ is coming for collective liberation: God’s redemption is at work for years to come. Therefore, the promise is meant to be lived out and passed on from generation to generation.

We are invited to look at the characters in our scriptures and wonder: What did each character pass on or contribute? How did each character participate in God’s liberation and love? Which characters try to thwart God’s justice and what can we learn from them? What is our role now? What is our generation’s task? What will we carry forth, and what should we leave behind?

The root word of “generation” is “gen” meaning “origin” or “birth.” Our theme is also a call to action: what are we being called to generate or bring forth? What have your ancestors and those who have come before you passed on for you to continue? Who are the spiritual elders in your community who planted the seeds for the things that are now blooming? What seeds are you planting for the future?

From Generation to Generation…reminds us of the ways our lives, histories, actions, and stories are interconnected and woven together. In the midst of narratives, policies, and rhetoric designed to divide us, what does it look like to practice belonging to one another? The work of God is always unfolding— in and through us.

This Advent season, how will we carry it forth?

Jesus’ Matrilineal Heritage Matthew 1:1–17

“A Genealogy of Jesus Christ” was compiled by Ann Patrick Ware of the Women’s Liturgy Group of New York, included in A Women’s Lectionary for the Whole Church, Year A by Rev. Wilda C. Gafney, PhD.

A genealogy of Jesus Christ, the son of Miriam, the daughter of Anna:

Sarah was the mother of Isaac,

And Rebekah was the mother of Jacob,

Leah was the mother of Judah,

Tamar was the mother of Perez.

The names of the mothers of Heron, Ram, Amminadab,

Nahshon and Salmon have been lost.

Rahab was the mother of Boaz,

and Ruth was the mother of Obed.

Obed’s wife, whose name is unknown, bore Jesse.

The wife of Jesse was the mother of David.

Bathsheba was the mother of Solomon,

Naamah, the Ammonite, was the mother of Rehoboam.

Maacah was the mother of Abijam and the grandmother of Asa.

Azubah was the mother of Jehoshaphat.

The name of Jehoram’s mother is unknown.

Achaliah was the mother of Ahaziah,

Zibiah of Beersheba, the mother of Joash.

Jecoliah of Jerusalem bore Uzziah,

Jerusha bore Jotham; Ahaz’s mother is unknown.

Abi was the mother of Hezekiah,

Hephzibah was the mother of Manasseh,

Meshullemeth was the mother of Amon,

Jedidah was the mother of Josiah.

Zebidah was the mother of Jehoiakim,

Nehushta was the mother of Jehoiachin,

Hamutal was the mother of Zedekiah.

Then the deportation of Babylon took place.

After the deportation to Babylon

the names of the mothers go unrecorded.

These are their sons:

Jechoniah, Shealtiel, Zerubbabel,

Abiud, Eliakim, Azor and Zadok,

Achim, Eliud, Eleazar,

Matthan, Jacob, and Joseph, the husband of Mary.

Of her was born Jesus who is called Christ.

The sum of generations is there: fourteen from Sarah to David’s mother;
fourteen from Bathsheba to the Babylonian deportation;
and fourteen from the Babylonian deportation to Miriam [or Mary], the mother of Christ.

DCC signs Interfaith San Ramon Valley Proclamation against Hate

Recently, flyers were distributed in our Tri-Valley disparaging Jewish people and blaming them for the COVID pandemic.  Danville Congregational Church has joined other members of Interfaith San Ramon Valley in signing a proclamation against hate in our communities.

I-SRV Solidarity Day Proclamation

Proclamation Signatures

Advent 2021 Schedule

Close to Home

Our Advent journey this year takes us through the following themes, featuring a variety of voices and paired with beautiful music—beloved traditions and some surprises—carefully chosen by our Music Director John Kendall Bailey.

  • First Sunday of Advent (Hope), November 28……………… Homesick
  • Second Sunday of Advent (Peace), December 5…………… Laying the Foundation
  • Third Sunday of Advent (Joy), December 12……………….. A Home for All
  • Fourth Sunday of Advent (Love), December 19…………….Seeking Sanctuary
  • Longest Night Service, 7:00pm, Tuesday, December 21
  • Christmas Eve Candlelight Service, Friday, 5:00pm………………..Invited Home
  • First Sunday after Christmas, December 26………………….Chosen Home
  • Epiphany, January 2………………………………………………………Home by Another Way

Worship each Sunday is at 9:30am—in-person and via Zoom.

Read more about our Advent series.

Swell, inspired by Luke 2:22–40

by Sara Are

You know that feeling when you fall in love?
Time-stands-still and moves too fast.
You’d give up sleep just to talk all night,
Because there’s so much to say and not enough time.

It’s that full to the brim,
Over the stars,
Living is dreaming,
Too-good-to-be-true Kind of feeling?

I imagine that’s how Simeon and Anna felt
When they saw Jesus that day.
I imagine it was that full to the brim,
Over the stars,

Living is dreaming,
Good news kind of feeling.

I imagine it was love.
And I imagine that that good,
good news Swelled to the tip of their tongues
Until they could not keep silent.

So may we know what Simeon and Anna knew,
Which is that some dreams we hold close to our chest,
For ourselves to cherish and never forget.
But other dreams must be spoken out loud—
Dreams of justice and love and hope, here and now.

The Longest Night

The Longest Night
A Service of Remembrance and Grief

Monday, December 21, 7:00pm via Zoom

There’s an Advent tradition within Western Christianity of inviting people to come together for the Longest Night, a night around the time of the winter solstice—where that are more hours of darkness than light—a time to come together for prayers and laments, to mourn the losses and griefs of the year, to let the tears flow for the hurting places in our lives, as well as for our country and our world. Following a year of such great loss, grief, and despair, we invite you to join us for a Longest Night Service on Zoom.
If you are lonely, grieving, depressed, and/or just want to give full attention to the shadow side of the season, join us on Zoom for a deeply meaningful service of liturgy, music, and ritual.

DCC Camp Caz Virtual Campfire 2020

We had a great time earlier this month at our Virtual Camp Caz campfire!  It was a fun hour that included dancing (our favorite Chicken Dance!), TNT (skits & music), and an awesome slide-show of DCC Camp Caz memories.  In case you missed it, you can view it here!
We also mentioned (and showed a piece of) a Camp Caz video created earlier this summer by Brian Wetzel.  If you would like to view the whole thing (about 11 minutes), you can view it here.

DCC Netflix Party

DCC is hosting a Netflix Party viewing of Ava DuVernay’s documentary 13th. To join us, register here. [To watch 13th without a Netflix account, you can watch it for free on YoutTube.]

Want to join our Netflix Party? Here’s what you need to know.


  • a Netflix account
  • a Chrome browser with the Netflix Party extension installed
    Note: This only works with a Chrome browser—not Safari or Firefox or anything else and not through a streaming box, except ChromeCast devices.

How to join:

  1. Install the Chrome plug in on your browser.
  2. Click the link to the Netflix Party we will send you, which will open Netflix on your browser. Log in if you’re not already.
  3. Then click on the NP button next to the address bar, and you should automatically join the party.

Then you can interact with other folks watching the film in the chat box.

Flat Jesus in Shelter

As we celebrate the 50 days of Easter that follow Jesus’ resurrection, we wonder…

How is Jesus showing up for you during this time of in shelter?

So we had an idea:

Invite “Flat Jesus” into your family’s life this Eastertide and share where Jesus is showing up with you!

Download your own Flat Jesus here. Cut him out and color him and then follow each week’s prompt.

Then share with us how Jesus is showing up for you this week. Email pictures to us or post them on Instagram. (You can find DCC on Instagram here). Tag us (@DCCUCC) and add the hashtags #DCCUCC #FlatJesus#FlatJesusinShelter.

  • Week one: We remembered how Jesus liked to sit down for a meal with his friends and followers. Share a picture of Jesus sharing a meal with you or your family!
  • Week two: